Growing (Archive)

Sunday Services

| 8 AM Traditional Service - Chapel | 10:30 AM Contemporary - Family Life Center |


There are many opportunities for adults to stay connected even during this challenging time we live in.  The most important thing you can do to maintain healthy spirituality is to be regular in Worship, stay connected to the Word, and be in fellowship with others. 

You will find the groups organized below according to the 4 areas of growth as a Christian that have become the hallmark of Redeemer’s disciple-making process: Healing, Growing, Serving, and Going.  Where are you being challenged to grow?



Sunday Groups(Faith Steps)

Faith Steps

  • Adult Education:  classes available in person, including a couple of hybrid option, on Sunday morning at 8:30 am
  • Current Faith Steps Class List Here

Life's Healing Choices for Women                                     

Cherri Warren, Meg Madden & Janet Stephens        

If you have reached a point in life where you know something needs to change, but you don’t know what or how to do it, this class might be a good place to be on a Sunday morning.  Life’s Healing Choice offers a pathway to freedom from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits by leading us through eight healing choices that are based on the actual words of Jesus in his most famous Sermon on the Mount—the Beatitudes form a foundation for us to build on as we grow together toward wholeness, spiritual maturity, happiness, and lasting healing.  Sharing with other women in a safe environment helps us find real answers, real hope, and a real future—one healing choice at a time.

 When:             Sunday morning                                                          

Time:                8:30-9:30am

Where:             Room # 208

Who:                Women only

Risen Motherhood for Moms of all ages                                                                             

Joyce Anderson, Tammy Compton, & Denise Ginsburg

Description: Motherhood is hard.  In a world of five-step lists and silver-bullet solutions to become perfect parents, mothers are burdened with mixed messages about who they are and what choices they should make.  If you feel pulled between high-fives and hard words, with culture’s solutions only raising more questions, you’re not alone.  But there is hope, and this class focuses on the Bible truths in scripture that provide the framework for finding answers to your specific questions about modern motherhood. 

When:              Sunday morning                                                          

Time:                8:30-9:30am 

Where:             Room 124 The Great Room

Who:                Moms of all ages

Room 124 (The Great Room)


Ted Gammell, Howard Fischer, & Kyle Langham

Description: Written in defense of Christian faith, this popular satire consists of a series of 31 letters in which Screwtape, an experienced devil, instructs his young charge, Wormwood, on effective strategies for tempting the human being assigned to him.

 When:              Sunday morning                                              

Time:                8:30-9:30am 

Where:             Room #129

Laugh Again by Charles Swindoll for Men

Karl Madden, Scott Anderson & Tom Moravansky 

Discription: A study of Philippians—Learning how to hold onto joy through life’s storms                                       

 When:              Sunday morning                                                          

Time:                8:30-9:30am 

Where:             Room # 211


Mike Warren & Pastor Trent Thompson

Description: There’s no doubt, we are living in uncertain times.  Some people are losing their jobs or homes.  Others are suffering emotionally from their hurts.  Many are losing their hope for the future.  It seems everybody needs to recover from something.  The good news is that Jesus gave us a way to recover that will work for every problem we face—The Beatitudes.  Regardless of what you are struggling with—whether it’s emotional, financial, relational, or spiritual—the principles that lead to healing and happiness are always the same.  Using the Beatitudes of Jesus, this book study will help you make the healing choices that will lead to answers, lasting change, and real hope. 

When:              Sunday morning                                                          

Time:                8:30-9:30am 

Where:             Room # 209

Sermons in Action

P. John Bromhal & Steve Shumate

 Description: A great sermon should prompt listeners into action or change.  Join a group discussion and reflection on the weekly readings and sermon questions with an expectation of accountability for personal action.

 When:              Sunday morning

Time:                8:30-9:30am 

Where:             Room # 212 The Gathering Room

Who:                Co-Ed

Hybrid option- contact Pastor John for a Zoom invite:

Weekly Grow Groups

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